Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Quentin Tarintino & Robert Rodriguez Research

Both of these videos are taken from the Grindhouse Films by Quentin Tarintino & Robert Rodriguez. I want to use their style of directing in the Grindhouse movies as I feel it suits the song and lyrics well. In these films they are made to look like 70’s low budget movies. Some of the effects they use and I want to also, are listed as follows (and can be seen in the videos posted):

Black and white high contrast shots
Point of View shots
Coloured Filtres
Split Screen Shots
Extreme Close Ups
Colour Saturation (Low and High)
Use of Mirrors + Red Lighting
Low lighting
Retro Outfits & Style
Editing to make the film reel look damaged and old

From looking at the lyrics and deciding on a video concept, I feel the video should be provocative yet not show too much, making the video have sexual innuendo without being obvious. I want it to have a retro feel and use dancing shown in the videos above.

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